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AIIB(アジアインフラ投資銀行)の最新情報 米トランプ新大統領下の加盟行方は焦点へ

2016年 11月 21日15:44 提供:東方ネット 編集者:範易成


  AIIB(The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank)は、2016年1月16日に設立開業以来、11月16日で10ヶ月間経過。法定資本金は、1,000億ドル(百万株)であるが、9月22日現在、57カ国の中、48カ国による資本金引受総額と総投票権数、並びにその構成比は下表の通りとなっている。




  2016年6月25-26に北京で行われた同銀行第1回の年次総会で、初代総裁である金立群氏(任期5年、2期可。中国財政部元次官、ADB元副総裁、世銀元Alternate Executive Director)は、今年上半期の成果について、以下の報告を行った。

Let me highlight some key points.

-The Business Plan targeted lending in the $0.5 billion to $1.2 billion range. I am pleased to report that we are poised to meet, and may exceed this target.

-Our Board of Directors approved the Bank’s first 4 project loans yesterday financing investments in power distribution and expansion in Bangladesh; road improvements in Tajikistan; highway construction in Pakistan; and slum upgrading in Indonesia.

-The Bangladesh project was the Bank’s first stand-alone operation, and the other three projects are co- financing operations with the ADB, EBRD and World Bank, respectively.

-We expect to bring additional projects to the Board in the second half of the year and are working on the pipeline for 2017.  AIIB is poised to play an expanded role in global fora.

-As of today, Bank management and staff total 39 and we expect another 20 will join in the next month or so. These staff are supplemented by consultants. Consistent with the Bank’s measured approach to staffing, we anticipate a total staff of around 100 by end 2016.